Health and Fitness daily Exercise

As you know, I started to use personal fitness as a thing and taking care of my body started moving a big way. The things I do to get my body in shape can also be considered as personal fitness. The whole idea of personal fitness is for it to be good, to be healthy and to be strong. So here are some personal exercises and how I do them.

Beginning with the summary of each exercise, follow with my breakdown of each exercise using body weight-related power and strengthtraining.

Voluntary Activities

Grab on and pull yourself into the affected area. Work your abdomen, shoulder, head, and chest to pull yourself into the area. Push yourself off the floor or onto a box or other such place. Go through these motions at a fast pace. Create muscle memory by building on what you used in previous workouts and learning new moves for the future. Use your weight to hold your body in place as you move through this repetition. Increase the resistance of each resistance movement. Go from the low side (meaning hands-free to do other movements) to your core side and up to your upper back. With every repetition, become more flexible in your movements. Push your body beyond even the limits that the muscles of your body will take on.

Limited Activities

Grab yourself onto the side of your torso in a rep. Pull your body up to get your foot in. Block your hand with your knee to create a resistance force on your body. Push yourself backward with your knee. The second rep gives you a chance to catch yourself. Get inside and look around to ensure your body does not overheat. Avoid doing these actions when you are feeling cold.

Controlled Activities

My Body-Weight exercises. The direct opposite of my seated exercises for decreased stress. They have higher endurance. Choose your exercises carefully. Try to schedule you exercises that have the lowest energy expenditure, and compare the energy expended between these two specific tasks.

Affirmed Activities

My Upper Body-Weight exercises are my alternative as opposed to lower body weight exercises. The steps are:

1. Get yourself off the floor and onto a piece of furniture.

2. Use whatever exercises you can remember from the initial training.

3. Minimize your resistance moves during your full workout.

4. Do 4 different variants of your exercises at a time.

5. Practice repetitions of your exercises as high as you can go while maintaining a specific body weight.

6. Achieve movement consistency by repeating things the same amount of times.

7. Exercise either with or without resistance. I am most successful with my resistance exercises. So, I use both these exercises to encourage adherence.

8. Choose your activities carefully. Exercise with the aim to improve your strength, balance, flexibility, and capacity to move. Not excessively strenuous. To be effective, aerobic exercises need to be consistent and repeatable over a period of time. Try to prevent muscles from overstretching themselves as you exercise.

9. Increase your body weight gradually each day to make it stronger.

10. Practice any exercises for your body that are under the age of 30. Use resistance exercises to improve core strength.

Many people come to this blog about my exercises and exercises. I think they will find them helpful, work out like it now works and make it happen. You’ll see results after a few weeks.


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